A catalog to work with standard Python operations. It provides logic to perform loop iterations and create scriptable Python nodes. It also includes operators to read/write JSON files, operate with lists, strings, dictionaries, regular expressions and more.
Compares two input objects.
The result of the comparison is used to branch the execution stack.
Outputs two Boolean values, one (truePlug) set to True if the two values are equal and another (falsePlug) set to True if the two values are different.
This operator implements a dictionary object in Python.
The operator does not have any input.
To modify the content of the dictionary other operators are used.
Outputs an empty dictionary.
Get values from the dictionary given a series of user-defined output plugs as keys.
Outputs the value assigned to the specified key (output plug) from the dictionary.
Sets dictionary values by keys defined by the user as input plugs.
The name of the plug relates to the name of the key to be set.
Outputs the dictionary after the new values are set.
Implements a for loop in Shift.
This works by generating multiple execution stacks, each using a value from an iterable as inputs.
Each execution stack uses one value from the iterable as if it were effectively iterating over the input values.
Outputs the iterated value from the input iterable.
Defined the end of a for loop in Shift.
This specific node is found by the graph evaluator to stop the iterative expansion fo the graph.
This operator accepts an extensible list of plugs (through) to copy the result of the iterator.
Writes a Python Dictionary to a JSON file.
Optionally one can select the encoding for the write mode. By default it is utf-8.
Optionally one can also select the createFile option, if the file does not exist this will create it. Otherwise, it will raise an error.
The write mode can be selected between Overwrite or Extend.
Outputs the filepath for the JSON file.
This operator implements a list of Python objects.
The operator does not have any input.
To modify the content of the list other operators are used.
Outputs and empty list.
Operator to accumulate an element to a List (based on ListAppend but using kInstance).
The elements to be added are defined by user-defined input plugs added to the operator.
Outputs the list instance (equal to the input list).
Operator to append an element to a List.
The elements to be added are defined by user-defined input plugs added to the operator.
Outputs the resulting list as a new list instance (does not alter the input list).
Extends an input list adding another list to it.
It allows selecting whether the input list is mutated or is left immutable.
Outputs the list resulting from the addition of the two input lists.
Removes an item from the provided list.
Optionally one can choose to remove the provided item recursively if there is more than 1 occurrence in the list.
Outputs the list with the item removed.
Executes a scripted Python code.
The node accepts any custom object as input.
Outputs the result of the script if the 'output' variable is explicitly set in the code.
The mainThread plug forces the execution of the script in the main thread in DCC context,
it has no effect outside of DCCs.
Operator to find a match given a regular expression pattern.
The pattern input can be a compiled pattern or an expression in string format.
The value input is the string in which the match has to be found.
The match output plug stores the match object returned by Regex or None if the pattern is not found.
The found output plug is a boolean signaling whether the search was successful or not
Operator to get all the groups from a Match object.
Set the createPlugs input to True to create one plug for each group found in the match object automatically.
Operator to perform a search using a regular expression pattern.
The pattern input can be a compiled pattern or an expression in string format.
The value input is the string in which the search have to be executed.
The match output plug stores the match object returned by Regex or None if the pattern is not found.
The found output plug is a boolean signaling whether the search was successful or not
Operator to substitute pattern matches in the value string with a given replace string.
The replace input is the value to replace for each match with the given pattern.
The count plug controls the number of matches to substitute. The default value of 0 will substitute all matches.
Operator to concatenate the provided strings.
The operator provides the user with two standard string plugs to concatenate.
If the operator needs to concatenate more than 2 strings, custom string plugs can be added as needed.
Optionally the resulting string can have a separator between each provided string. By default, it is an empty string.
Outputs the resulting string.
Formats the given template string by using the arguments provided.
Two types of arguments can be specified, positional (list) or named (dictionary).
Outputs the formatted string.
Operator that splits the given string into substrings.
One can select the delimiter to the substrings, by default the delimiter is a whitespace.
One can also select the maximum splits to be applied, by default the value is -1 which means unlimited splits.
Outputs a list containing all the substrings.
Executes a scripted Python code.
The node accepts a Python Object (can even be a list or a dictionary) as input.
Outputs the result of the script if the 'output' variable is explicitly set in the code.
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